Sort contacts and sequences

In this guide:

Learn how to sort sequences and contacts either alphabetically or by ascending or descending order. 

Sort sequences in the Dashboard

In the Sequences dashboard, you can sort sequences by title, owner, contacts, open rates, and reply rates. 

You can alphabetically sort sequences by title or owner from A-Z or Z-A when you click on the header. Clicking the header for contacts, open rates, and reply rates will sort sequences in ascending or descending order.

Sort contacts within a sequence

When you open up a sequence, you can sort contacts by name, status, and step. 

When you sort contacts by Step, this is the order the contacts will display as or if you click the Status again, it will display in the reverse.

  • Messaged 
  • Opened
  • Clicked
  • Replied
  • Booked
  • Bounced 
  • Errors 

When you click on a Step header, it will show the contacts in ascending or descending order. 

For the ascending order, it will show contacts who either didn't receive the first step due to an error (i.e. contact who have 0/3) or those who did receive the first step and then gradually increase to contacts who have received all the emails in the sequence.

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