Email lookup preferences

In this guide:

Learn how to change your email preferences for the Chrome Extension from your Account Settings or through the quick-change option. 

Email lookup preferences

By default, our Chrome extension prioritizes work emails to be displayed whenever you are viewing LinkedIn search results or a contact's profile. Interseller also provides personal email lookups.

You can select between these five lookup preferences:

  • None: An email address will need to entered manually in order to add the contact to a sequence. No lookup credits will be used.
  • Work Only: This setting will only lookup work emails.
  • Personal Only: This setting will only lookup personal emails
  • Any (Work First): This setting allows you to lookup both work and personal emails with the preference of displaying Work emails first.
  • Any (Personal First): This setting allows you to lookup both personal and work emails with the preference of displaying Personal emails first.

Adjust the lookup preference from the Chrome extension

To change between work and personal emails while using the extension, follow these steps:

  1. Right click the Interseller extension icon in the browser toolbar.
  2. From there, you will see an option for Email Lookup and you can select your preferred lookup setting.
  3. Lastly, refresh the page to ensure the setting has been updated.

Note: If you search for both a personal and work email for the same contact in 2 separate searches, this will count as 2 credits. You can read more about how email lookup credits work here.

Adjust the lookup preference from Account Settings

You can also adjust your email lookup preference from your Account Settings by following these steps:

  1. Head to your Chrome extension settings.
  2. Select the lookup preference you would like to use.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Head back into LinkedIn and refresh the page to ensure the setting has been updated.

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