Create a default email schedule
Learn more about setting up an email schedule for your account and email sequences.
About your email schedule
The first thing to understand when creating an email sequence is your email schedule. Your email schedule can be found in settings under the Schedule tab.
The email schedule feature determines when it's appropriate for us to send emails on your behalf. You can adjust your email schedule at an account and sequence level.
If you don't have a custom schedule for each of your email sequences, your sequences will follow the default email schedule in your account settings.
Below are the settings you can adjust for your email schedule.
Set the Timezone
It's important to set the timezone for your email schedule so your emails can send out at the correct time. You can adjust the timezone for email sequences at either an account or sequence-specific level. If you don't set a custom timezone for each sequence, your emails will follow the default timezone set in your account settings.
If your contacts are based in different timezones, you can adjust the specific sequence's timezone to send emails at a time that better aligns with their timezone.
Adjust the email schedule
When adjusting the days and times to send emails, you can set up different times for different days or set the same time ranges for multiple days all at once.
Exclude holidays from your email schedule
You can choose to exclude U.S holidays and any custom holidays you set up to prevent emails from sending out on those dates.
The holidays feature and custom holidays feature can be enabled in your settings.