Export sequence steps

How to export sequence steps across all your sequences from Interseller.

Sequence steps across all of your Interseller sequences can be exported to a CSV file so you can have a copy of all your email templates on hand. 

To export your sequence steps, navigate to the Export Settings and in the Export Sequence Steps section, click Download and the CSV file should be generated shortly. 

The exported CSV file will contain the following data:

  • Campaign ID - This is the ID number of the sequence. The ID number can be added to the end of this link (https://app.interseller.io/sequence/) to identify which sequence the email step  belongs to. 
  • Step ID - This is the ID number of the sequence step
  • Step - This is the step number in the sequence. "0" will be the 1st step in the sequence, "1" will be the 2nd step in the sequence, and so forth. 
  • Subject - This is the subject line of the sequence
  • Body - This contains the email copy for the specific step in the sequence. 

Please note: There is not an option to export specific sequences or email steps at this time. Exporting sequence steps will include all email steps across all non-archived sequences.

Archived sequences will need to be restored first in order to be exported.

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